The New “Normal” – Village Visits Resume

Jungle Aid team on their way to Pala U Noi on July 25, 2020 Jungle Aid has been happy to resume the monthly village assessments and medical clinics. Since March, trips have been limited to dropping off food, blankets, and expense money in accordance with social...

Out Numbered, Never out of Hope

As a precautionary measure, due to the global outbreak of Covid-19, Jungle Aid scaled back last months trips to essential volunteers only. The trips were to deliver medical treatment and were attended by 2-3 volunteers that are based in Hua Hin and have not recently...

Hua Yang, Pala U Village Update – September 28, 2019

Amazing day at the Hua Yang Village in the Pala U area today. This village is particular need of medical treatment for its residents and education on health promotion. Today, thirty-two patients were seen. In tandem, another Jungle Aid nurse is able to provide...

Hua Yang Village Update – August 31, 2019

Despite a rainy start to the day, the team set out bright and early on August 31, 2019 to visit Hua Yang village. The team traveled 45 minutes through elephant country to bring a medical clinic, donated items and a football coach to play with the children. The medial...

Hua Yang Village Update – June 24, 2019

The team set off early on Saturday June 24, 2019 to Hua Yang Village in the Pala U area. This is our third visit to the village and today we treated 30 patients. Our medical clinic also included an Osteopath who provided treatment to the villagers. Coach James from...

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