Despite no trip to BaMak planned, a group of volunteers headed to BaMak in July as a final trip prior to installing the new water system. Money for the water supply was generous donated by our sponsors during an Golfasian event.

We met the village teacher which gave us a lot of new insights but as well, importantly led us to the village monk, which we met for the first time during that visit.
The monk who is an engineer was able to give us a full picture on the water situation, which he has been trying to push forward for 9 years unsuccessfully. He told us that the water tanks weren’t going to fix anything on the long run. However, if we wanted to do so, we should address the problem at the source:
1. Increase capacity at the mountain dam – cheaper solution but the capacity will remain limited;
2. Install pipes high up in the river – long term solution but more expensive;

Jungle Aid Volunteers

It is really important for both the village and the area manager to have a comprehensive water system that delivers its promises and not a quick fix. That’s why we are now looking to get a water supply expert on site. This in order to redesign a full road-map and to know how we can get started the proper way at the earliest possible time, and to bring to the villagers what they have been hoping for for almost a decade: water all year long.
The trip allowed us as well to start a pilot with a pocket solar lamp, which we gave to test to a family which today can’t access electricity.
We will be able to hear from them shortly to know if the pilot was a success which we can deploy to other villages that Jungle Aid are supporting.

A big THANK YOU to the sponsors from the Golfasia event for making this possible for the village! And thank you to Laiki who donated healthy rice snacks for the children in the village.

Stay tuned for more news as we move along together hands in hands with the villagers.

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