We do not currently have access to this remote village but as always when there is a problem with access we try to overcome it. The village has approximately 70 people still and they are our most displaced and most vulnerable group we support. Our volunteers met as usual at 7am with 2 trucks loaded with over 500kg of rice, many clothes, flip flops, mosquito nets and toothbrushes. Our volunteers included two new doctors, our nurse and our fantastic translators without which no trip would be possible.
After a 3 hour drive south of Hua Hin we arrived at the army check point where they usually have 4 or 5 patients needing to be seen. Our ID is also submitted to allow us to go on to the shelter. We continued our journey and drove to the shelter once everything was completed with the army checkpoint. The shelter is a simple house that is rented in a small Thai village. There are 14 children and 6 adults. The children have Thai ID and are able to attend the local Thai school for free. They currently eat rice and salt/or oil every day, no vegetables or fruit is affordable. The 6 adults are able to work in the dry season in the local rubber plantations but it is poorly paid and sporadic.
The assessment team was able to obtain a lot of information and was able to discuss their current needs:
- 150kg of rice per month
- To discuss a vegetable garden to provide fruit and veg (needs further discussion)
- Roof of another house near Thai Yai village, 1 hour away, needs repairing in time for the rainy season
- Snacks for the children while at school
- Rent and electric for the shelter, approximately 1800b per month
During the assessment, the medical clinic continued. All 14 children received a health check and there were many parents that had come from the village to see the doctors and our nurse. There were several follow up cases that will need to be reviewed but this village is fortunate as they have a dedicated nurse who voluntarily sees anyone from the village and shelter. Each time we visit, Jungle Aid provides her with a box of medical supplies worth 10,000b supported by our amazing sponsors.
We distributed the much-needed rice, mosquito nets and clothes and flip flops to the villagers, particularly needed during the rainy season.
Without your support we cannot offer the help that is needed. After an amazing day with the incredible volunteers and incredible people we work with we headed home.
Thank you for supporting the work we do…….