This month over 30 volunteers from the Bangkok Volunteer Meetup group came along to help turn used paper into beautiful, functional notebooks. The event, which is ran by the non-profit charity Paper Rangers, aims to reduce the impact of waste paper on the environment while also providing educational materials to underprivileged schools all across Thailand.


Paper Ranger is a group of Super Hero’s that comes to save the world via the process of using computer paper (especially A4) efficiently. We try to make full use of both side of the A4 paper, as we know about the human behaviour that most of people used only one-side-A4 paper. Then, we collect those leftover one-side-used-A4 papers from some company, university, school, or anywhere to use them in our creative way. We transform them into a loveable hand-made notebook with our attractive method.

In contrast, there are many students in the rural area that do not have notebook to use in the class. Thus, we send all those handmade notebooks to help them. We try hard to be the middlemen between both groups and we would like to spread our know-how to the social and let everyone be a “PAPER RANGER”


In just six short, fun hours the volunteers managed to make over 560 notebooks which is an all time Paper Rangers record ! That means that 11,000 pieces of A4 paper were folded by hand and saved from being thrown into the trash. Many of these notebooks will be going to the Jungle Aid supported school that we set up last month.



We would like to send a huge thank you to Paper Rangers, the Bangkok Volunteers Meetup group, and all of the volunteers who took part to make the day an amazing success.

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