August 1st 2024

Flash Flooding hits PalaU Noi Village

Three hundred and sixty five people were affected by flash flooding at PalaU Noi village in the recent heavy rainfall. Flood waters caused severe damage to homes, roads, crops and food supplies were also lost in the floods.

Jungle Aid responded rapidly to this emergency situation, working with the Royal Thai Volunteers, Naresuan Border Patrol Police, Aerial Reinforcement forces, the Thai Royal army, Queen’s Cobra Regiment forces, and the Chief Executive of the Sub District Administrative Organisations to deliver basic food supplies to the villagers.

The Jungle Aid community continue to gather essential supplies for the village and will be working to support the reparations of damaged homes. Our Facebook page gives details of how to donate in response to this emergency. Thank you to everyone who responded so rapidly to supporting this beleaguered community.

Jungle Aid volunteers are constantly working to provide the funds and resources to be able to respond to emergencies such as flood flashing but this is set within the core aim to support these remote villages to become independent, sustainable communities.

Each and every donor and volunteer enables this fantastic Jungle Aid team to forge ahead and change lives for the better.

Thank you.

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