The Jungle Aid community responded swiftly and generously, following the outbreak of fire at Pala U Noi village. Two families lost their homes. Donations of building materials, as well as household and personal items were sought by Jungle Aid. As usual there was no holding back the kindness and willingness to help with bountiful donations and offers of practical assistance. Jungle Aid volunteers joined the villagers in a joint effort to begin rebuilding the houses. Progress is reported to be good. Thank you all for your support; particular thanks go to Rescue Paws and K Pimpa Ann Malisa.

One of the many features of Jungle Aid is the provision of household and clothing items for disadvantaged families in the remote villages. Volunteers collect, clean and sort the donations in readiness to be warmly received by the villagers. Items that are not suitable are sold at the regular Jungle Aid Flea markets. Donations are welcomed at the Jungle Aid house and pick ups can also be arranged.

Although the focus for the month was to respond to the fire emergency, the Jungle Aid team maintained the all important visits to the other villages to provide medical aid and the essential food supplies, even when temperatures and humidity were at an all time high.

Once again Jungle Aid volunteers and donors have worked together to make a difference to the lives of the many disadvantaged rural communities around Hua Hin.

Thank you.

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