In April’s newsletter we focus on two amazing projects that have been completed by JA volunteers and funded by generous donors. These projects have simply changed people’s lives.

Platoo has had his life changed by ‘ Pranburi Solar Cell’ who installed solar panels and battery storage which enables Platoo to have electricity for fans, lights and his JA donated tablet day and night.

The Pala U Thai village community now have a new roof for their community area and shade for the children’s play area. With the hot season on us and the rainy season not too far away these are vital for the people and will be really enjoyed by the children, particularly.

These life changing projects are enabled by sponsors and events such as the superb Golfasian events which raised an enormous 58,400 thb from the raffle. Huge thanks go the volunteers who attended and to all those who donated generous prizes, including Springfield Royal Country Club, Banyan Golf Club, Black Mountain Golf Club, Wine Bubble and Berry and Monsoon Valley.

Another great event last month was the ‘Yoga and Zumba’ celebration on Women’s International Day. The teachers K Chompu and Ms Dayna raised an amazing11,940thb. Thank you!

These examples of the work of Jungle Aid volunteers and generosity of sponsors are supported by the many volunteers behind the scenes. Thank you to everyone for helping to make a difference to lives.

Thank you Pranburi Solar Cell for making a difference to Platoo.

Thank you to volunteers and donors for making a difference to the community of Pala U Village.

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