Meeting at our usual time of 7am in Hua Hin, loaded up with many donated clothes, shoes, tooth brushes, soap and mosquito nets we set off in our newly donated truck from the Rotary, Rivers Foundation and several private sponsors all making our medical trips possible. Our team included our dedicated translators, Area manager and nurse, plus 7 students from Webster Universirty who will be supporting us with the field trips and also with fund raising through crowd funding which we are hoping is going to start next month.
Remote Medical clinic
Our first stop was at the Home for Students only 1 hour away where we have 29 orphans living together. There were many sick people who had walked to this location to be seen by our nurse Emma who was able to assess and treat them. The Webster students did a great job supporting with translation enabling us as a team to see as many people as possible. From the home for students we continued to drive 1 hour through dense jungle and riverbeds to the village of Pal u noi.
Jungle Aid remote medical clinic
The assessment team was able to obtain a lot of information and was able to discuss their current needs:

  • Health promotion-village representatives to take on the role for maternal health and environmental health including waste disposal
  • Water tanks to be installed, repair current water pump and install additional pump
  • Pilot the use of small solar panels to replace oil lamps

During the assessment, the medical clinic continued. In total 36 people were seen by our nurse. There were many young adults with many different problems such as cataracts, tuberculosis, spinal injury, many skin infections and support needed with family planning. There were at least 7 patients who will be seen at Hua Hin hospital this week for follow up. One of the students that were able to translate will also help with the visits at the hospital where it is often difficult to support all the patients in different departments of the hospital.
Jungle aid remote medical clinic
After both the medical and village assessment had been completed the clothes, shoes, children’s toys were gratefully received.

Without your support we cannot offer the help that is needed.

After an amazing day with the incredible volunteers and incredible people we work with we headed home.

Thank you for supporting the work we do…….





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